Dr. Hassan Djazayeri
Neurologist consultant, medical observer monitoring
Dr. Hassan Djazayeri educated Ph.D. in Azar-Abadeghan University in Tabriz and got his medical License as a Neuro-psychiatrist at1982. He joined M.E.K and started to work as a G.P and Neurologist consultant. He was the best neurologist at his time in Iraq, France and now currently working in Albania. 2009: senior physician offering medical services to 400 hunger strikers that lasted for 72 days and also Sep 2013: to more than 300 hunger strikers that lasted for 108 days. He also received excellent experiences about huge and long-term hunger striker which was offering the first time in the world. Led all of them to be saved their lives and reach to their desires
Research Interest
Neurology, Psychiatry