Call for Abstract

2nd World Congress on Epilepsy and Brain Disorders, will be organized around the theme “Elimination of Epilepsy”

Epilepsy Congress 2019 is comprised of 19 tracks and 131 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Epilepsy Congress 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

An uncontrolled electrical wave in brain is a chronic disorder or a neurological disorder the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures. An individual analyzed with epilepsy often have the chance of two unmerited seizures (or one unprovoked seizure with the likelihood of more) that were not caused by some known and reversible therapeutic condition like liquor withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar.

The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain damage or a family propensity, but regularly the cause is totally obscure. Many individuals with epilepsy have more than one sort of seizure and may have other side effects of neurological issues as well. Some of the time EEG (electroencephalogram) testing, clinical history, family history, and viewpoint are comparable among a gather of individuals with epilepsy. About 6 out of 10 people diagnosed with epilepsy can become seizure free within a few years with proper treatment. Many of these people will never have any more seizures. For the rest of the people, some will have occasional breakthrough seizures or side effects of medicines and others will have uncontrolled seizures. 

  • Track 1-1Synchronous neuronal activity
  • Track 1-2Brain infection
  • Track 1-3 Jacksonian march or Focal seizures
  • Track 1-4 Automatisms
  • Track 1-5Psychosis
  • Track 1-6 Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
  • Track 1-7 Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Track 1-8Cavernous hemangioma
  • Track 1-9Yoga & meditation

A chronic condition is a human wellbeing condition or infection that is diligent or something else long-lasting in its impacts or an illness that comes with time. The term chronic is regularly connected when the course of the illness endures for more than three months. In the medical field, a chronic condition can be distinguished from one that is intense (later in onset), furthermore, a repetitive condition can backslide over and over, with periods of reduction in between. Chronic illnesses do not fix themselves and are generally not cured completely. Some can be immediately life-threatening, such as heart disease and stroke. Others linger over time and need intensive management, such as diabetes. Chronic illness might affect the appearance, physical abilities, and independence of an individual’s life.


  • Track 2-1Multiple sclerosis
  • Track 2-2Arthritis, especially osteoarthritis
  • Track 2-3Cluster headaches
  • Track 2-4Fibromyalgia
  • Track 2-5Shingle
  • Track 2-6Diabetic neuropathy
  • Track 2-7Nerve damage
  • Track 2-8Carpal tunnel syndrome

Neurologic diseases and disorders treated by neurosurgeons. Neurological disorders are diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. In other words, the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscles. Many bacterial, viral Enter viruses, West Nile Virus, fungal, and parasitic infections can affect the nervous system. Neurological symptoms may occur due to the infection itself, or due to an immune response. However, mental disorders are psychiatric illnesses or diseases which appear primarily as abnormalities of thought, feelings and behaviour, causing distress or dysfunction comes under neurological disorder.


  • Track 3-1Neuropsychiatry
  • Track 3-2Alzheimer disease
  • Track 3-3Cerebrovascular diseases including stroke
  • Track 3-4Migraine and other headache disorders
  • Track 3-5Neuroinfections
  • Track 3-6Brain Tumours
  • Track 3-7Neurological Disorders as a result of Malnutrition
  • Track 3-8Neuromuscular transmission disorders

Neuropsychiatry is an expansion from guaranteeing a solution that deals with mental issue inferable should disease of the sensory system. It went before those present controls of psychiatry and nervous system science, which required as a relatable point preparing, in any case, psychiatry what more nervous system science bring thusly isolated and are ordinarily polished freely. By neuropsychiatry require diverted into a creating subspecialty from psychiatry. Neuropsychology is a specialty over expert brain research that applies models for assessment moreover intervention dependent on that exploratory examination for human direct as it relates to typical and anomalous fearful of the focal sensory system. The forte is focused on redesigning those comprehensions of the brain-behavior affiliations and the order from guaranteeing such data should human issue.


  • Track 4-1Neurogenetics
  • Track 4-2Neuroradiology
  • Track 4-3Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Track 4-4Behavioral neurology
  • Track 4-5Neuropathology
  • Track 4-6Schizophrenia
  • Track 4-7Cognitive psychology
  • Track 4-8Neuroanatomy
  • Track 4-9Parallel processing
  • Track 4-10Meningitis

One of the medical conditions that are described by scenes of uncontrolled electrical action in the mind (seizures). Some seizure issue is inherited, yet others are caused by birth abandons or ecological risks, for example, lead harming. Seizure issue will probably create in patients who have another neurological issue, mental conditions, or safe framework issues. At times, uncontrolled seizures can cause cerebrum harm, brought down knowledge, and perpetual mental and physical disability. A determination is by perception, neurological examination, electroencephalogram (EEG), and now and again further developed mind imaging strategies. Treatment is normally by solution, in spite of the fact that in troublesome cases an extraordinary eating regimen or brain surgery might be attempted.

About 50 to 60% (5 to 6 out of every 10 people) will be seizure free after using the first seizure medication tried.

A second seizure medication may help 11 to 20 out of every 100 people become seizure free. Adding more drugs usually doesn’t help the chance of seizure control.

Focal Seizure with retained awareness. This kind of focal seizure was beforehand known as a basic or simple partial seizure. Focal seizures with misfortune mindfulness. This kind of focal seizure may likewise be known as focal dyscognitive seizure (beforehand known as complex partial seizures) 

  • Track 5-1Brain injury
  • Track 5-2Neurostimulation
  • Track 5-3 Convulsive
  • Track 5-4 Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
  • Track 5-5Obsessive–compulsive disorder
  • Track 5-6 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Track 5-7 Infections of the central nervous system
  • Track 5-8Neurocysticercosis

The connection of psychiatry / psychology and epilepsy stays one of the points that have been consistently drawing in consideration in therapeutic works since the season of Hippocrates. Mind stress and uneasiness are usually connected with epilepsy and can happen as pre-ictal, ictal, post-ictal or between ictal indications. A portion of the psychotropic medicines is known to be epileptogenic. Consequently, choice of psychotropic drugs ought to be found on their conceivable impacts on seizures and those known to be epileptogenic ought to be kept away from. The most common psychiatric comorbidities found among patients with epilepsy are depression, neuroses (nonpsychotic anxiety disorders) and psychoses. Psychiatry in epilepsy can be defined, in view of their relationship to seizures, into the accompanying classes: pre-ictal side effects (happen before seizure/prodromal states and inclination aggravation), between ictal mental illness happening between seizures, ictal mental manifestations happening amid the seizure occasions, and post-ictal mental indications following seizures. Once in a while, an adjustment in mental state can be the main indication of non-convulsive Status Epilepticus, for example, that of complex incomplete or nonappearance sorts of injuries in nerve roots. The term psychological disorders are once in a while used to allude to what is all the more much of the time known as mental disorder. Mental clutters are examples of conduct or mental manifestations that affect different everyday issues. These disarrange make trouble for the individual encountering these manifestations.


  • Track 6-1Psychometric tests
  • Track 6-2 Psychotherapy
  • Track 6-3Psychiatric medication
  • Track 6-4Dementia
  • Track 6-5 Deviant behavior
  • Track 6-6Psychodynamic Diagnostic
  • Track 6-7Addictive behaviors
  • Track 6-8Hallucinations
  • Track 6-9Drug or alcohol abuse

Mental health and the moral treatment era have been recognized as the root of occupational therapy. OT is the use of assessment and intervention to develop, recover, or maintain meaningful activities, or occupations, of individuals, groups, or communities. It is an allied health profession performed by occupational therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants. OTs often works with people with mental health problems, disabilities, injuries, or impairments. Occupational therapists address the need for rehabilitation following an injury or impairment. When planning treatment, occupational therapists address the physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and environmental needs involved in adult populations across a variety of settings. OTs focuses on prevention and treatment of mental illness in all populations. Mental health illnesses that may require occupational therapy include schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, trauma- and stressor-related disorders (e.g. post-traumatic stress disorder or acute stress disorder), obsessive-compulsive and related disorders such as hoarding, and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and learning disorders. OT is the therapy opted for all types of mental disorders. 


  • Track 7-1 Clinical psychology
  • Track 7-2Rehabilitation
  • Track 7-3Psychotic disorders
  • Track 7-4 Depressive disorders
  • Track 7-5Anxiety disorders
  • Track 7-6Hyperactivity disorder
  • Track 7-7Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Track 7-8Metacognitive therapy

For a few people with epileptic seizures, manifestations of depression go about as an emanation. An emanation is a notice sign that a seizure is coming. Depression prevails for a few days after a seizure or may also lead to long-term depression. Anxiety can possibly influence you whenever. Hormone levels can influence a person’s mood swing and mind stress. According to a research in neurology, studies suggest that sex hormones affect the risk of developing both epilepsy and depression. These hormones may have a greater effect on women than men. Antiseizure medications can likewise influence the state of mind focuses in your cerebrum, raising the danger of sadness. Barbiturates might probably add to dejection than other antiseizure medicines.


  • Track 8-1 Dysthymia
  • Track 8-2 Bereavement
  • Track 8-3Peer pressure
  • Track 8-4 Neuroticism
  • Track 8-5 Antimigraine drugs
  • Track 8-6Antipsychotics
  • Track 8-7Chronic pain
  • Track 8-8Nihilism
  • Track 8-9Bipolar disorder

In little sums, liquor does not cause seizures. A drink or two every so often does not build seizure movement. At the point when liquor is identified with seizures, it is regularly the condition of liquor withdrawal that causes the seizures, not simply the drinking. A few investigations have demonstrated that liquor abuse, or constant manhandle of liquor, is connected with the advancement of epilepsy in a few people.

Research demonstrates that grown-ups with epilepsy may have maybe a couple of mixed beverages daily without declining their seizures or causing changes in the blood levels of their seizure medicines. Seizure solutions can bring down your resilience for liquor, so the quick impacts of liquor utilization are more prominent. As such, individuals get alcoholic speedier. Quick intoxication is a major issue in light of the fact that a large number of the reactions of these medications are like the intense impacts of liquor itself. If you are sensitive to alcohol or seizure medicines, you may find the combination even worse.

  • Track 9-1Drinkaware
  • Track 9-2 Status epilepticus
  • Track 9-3 Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs)
  • Track 9-4Blood levels

Neuroinfection influences all the ages. In any case, for kids, an alternate sort of issues that can influence one's youth. Some sort of epilepsy closes after youth. A few sorts of epilepsy are identified with the states of youth that end once a youngster grows up. Around 70% of youngsters with epilepsy in their young age may turn out into the end of kid's development. There are additional seizures, for example, febrile seizures, that happen one-time in young age.

  • Track 10-1Refractory epilepsy
  • Track 10-2 Neurocysticercosis
  • Track 10-3Febrile seizures
  • Track 10-4Treatment gap
  • Track 10-5Petit mal, seizures
  • Track 10-6Tonic phase
  • Track 10-7Tonic-clonic seizures
  • Track 10-8Myoclonic seizures
  • Track 10-9Atonic seizures
  • Track 10-10Rhythmic jerking

A lady with epileptic seizures has a close connection between hormones and epileptic seizures. Hormones may build the danger of seizures in a lady with epilepsy. Ladies with stroke in brain likewise have brought down fruitfulness rates and will probably have no proper menstrual cycles, hirsutism, acne, and obesity should prompt an evaluation of reproductive dysfunction. This illness is reduced by making use of a single antiepileptic drug at the low dosage which will not have more side effects and by giving preconception folic acid supplementation. Breastfeeding is commonly safe for women using antiepileptic medications.

Fortunately, most women with nerve damage in the brain give birth to normal, healthy babies, if you take precautions; your chance of having a healthy child is greater than 90%. There are increased risks. Most doctors recommend that women with epilepsy be cared for by a high-risk obstetrician during their pregnancy.

  • Track 11-1Inherited epilepsy
  • Track 11-2Anticonvulsant medication
  • Track 11-3Catamenial Seizures
  • Track 11-4Labour and Delivery
  • Track 11-5Breastfeeding
  • Track 11-6Anti-Epileptic Drugs and the Developing Fetus
  • Track 11-7 Sodium valproate and Valproic acid

In treating Neurogenetic disorder with drugs, the point is to diminish the abnormality in brain recurrence and seriousness while limiting poisonous quality to the mind and different tissues. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are typically managed by oral and intravenous (IV) courses, yet these drug delivery processes are not generally successful. Drug delivery to the cerebrum is extremely restricted by various natural variables, especially the blood-barrier boundary (BBB), which blocks the capacity of AEDs to enter and stay in the mind. To enhance the viability of AEDs, new medication conveyance techniques are being produced.


  • Track 12-1Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)
  • Track 12-2Electronic Medicines Compendium
  • Track 12-3Monotherapy
  • Track 12-4Add-on therapy
  • Track 12-5Idiopathic epilepsy
  • Track 12-6Nerve pain medication
  • Track 12-7Sedative
  • Track 12-8Anticonvulsant
  • Track 12-9Oxcarbazepine

Electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most understood test used as a technique for diagnosing neurological disorders. An electroencephalogram (EEG) can help with indicating mind action suggestive of an expanded danger of seizures. It is suggested for epileptic seizure based on manifestations.

With the approach of electroencephalographic video checking, doctors are currently ready to dependably separate epilepsy from different conditions that can impersonate it, for example, pseudoseizures. Neuroimaging has changed the path of treatment for troublesome epilepsy. Prolonged EEG-video observing is basic in giving data about electro-realistic seizures and seizure semiology (video). The delayed nature of the chronicle permits a more intensive examination of the EEG, consequently improving the probability of catching epileptiform releases. This investigation is likewise helped by the utilization of mechanized spike discovery. All the more imperatively, video checking permits recording of the real occasions for which restorative consideration of epilepsy is looked for.

Neurological Exams: Medical surgeons may check a person’s behavior, motor abilities, mental function, and other functions to diagnose the condition and determine the type of disorder that the person may have.

Blood Tests: Medical surgeons may take a blood sample to test for signs of illness, infections, genetic conditions, liver and kidney function, blood glucose levels or other damages of the body that may be associated with brain waves.

  • Track 13-1 Brain disorders
  • Track 13-2Encephalitis
  • Track 13-3Memory problems
  • Track 13-4Sleep disorders
  • Track 13-5Stroke
  • Track 13-6Brain surgery, coma
  • Track 13-7Electrode
  • Track 13-8Hemorrhage
  • Track 13-9Migraines
  • Track 13-10Neuroimaging

This involves removing or altering the area of the brain where the sudden abnormal electrical activity start. In a few cases, this can finally control seizure activity. Brain surgery for epilepsy has a high achievement rate. It might fundamentally enhance personal satisfaction. This type of chronic illness epilepsy can change enormously starting with one individual then onto the next. 


  • Track 14-1Long-term video-EEG monitoring
  • Track 14-2Neuropsychological evaluation
  • Track 14-3MRI
  • Track 14-4 Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
  • Track 14-5 Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Track 14-6Intracarotid sodium amobarbital test (Wada test)
  • Track 14-7Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
  • Track 14-8 Brain mapping
  • Track 14-9Callosotomy

Generally, brain disorder cannot be cured permanently, but alternative medicine can be used to reduce the abnormal brain waves effectively in about 70% of cases. Of those with generalized seizures, more than 80% can be well controlled with alternative medicine which includes

Acupuncture is a type of treatment that includes embedding thin needles through an individual's skin at particular focuses on the body, to different profundities. Individuals with are right now treated with antiepileptic sedates yet a noteworthy number of individuals keep on having brain issues and numerous experience unfavorable impacts to the medications. Subsequently, there is expanding enthusiasm for elective treatments and needle therapy is one of those. This, it is asserted, can help support prosperity and may cure epilepsy seizure.

Psychological, for example, cognitive behavior therapy, relaxation therapy, and bio-input and instructive intercessions have been utilized alone or in combination with the treatment of epilepsy, to lessen the abnormal activities in brain recurrence and enhance the personal satisfaction.


  • Track 15-1Hydrocotyle
  • Track 15-2Melatonin and epilepsy
  • Track 15-3Cerebral folate deficiency
  • Track 15-4Ketogenic diet
  • Track 15-5Acupuncture
  • Track 15-6Chiropractic treatments

The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high fat, low starch, controlled protein diet that has been utilized since the 1920s for the treatment of epilepsy. The eating routine is a therapeutic treatment and is generally just thought about when no less than two appropriate meds have been attempted and not worked. The ketogenic diet is a built up treatment choice for kids with difficult to control epilepsy. A few grown-ups may profit by dietary medications, yet more information is required about the effect and results for grown-ups, and grown-up medicines are right now just accessible in a couple of UK facilities. Dietary medicines for epilepsy should just be pursued with the help of an accomplished epilepsy expert and dietician (sustenance pro).

Typically the body utilizes glucose (a type of sugar) from starches (found in sustenances like sugar, bread or pasta) for its vitality source. Synthetic compounds called ketones are made when the body utilizes fat for vitality (this is called 'ketosis'). The body utilizes ketones rather than glucose for its vitality source. Research in 2015 has demonstrated that another substance, decanoic corrosive, is likewise created because of the eating regimen. These synthetic substances help to diminish seizures for some people. The diet may not work for everybody but rather is reasonable for some, extraordinary seizure types and epilepsy disorders, including myoclonic astatic epilepsy, Dravet disorder, childish fits (West disorder), and those with tuberous sclerosis.


  • Track 16-1Fueling brain function
  • Track 16-2Atkins diet
  • Track 16-3Medium-chain triglycerides
  • Track 16-4 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Track 16-5Brain cancer
  • Track 16-6Neurotrauma
  • Track 16-7Hypersynchronous

While numerous cases are not preventable, endeavors to decrease brain damage. All neurostimulation diseases have generally treated with day to day solution once per second seizure has happened, while in those at high hazard, pharmaceutical might be begun after the main seizure. The aim of treatment is ‘optimal therapy’. This means taking the fewest types of AEDs, at the lowest dose in order to get the best seizure control possible with the fewest side effects. If optimal therapy cannot be found with a particular AED there are usually several others that can be tried, alone or in combination. Supporting individuals' self-administration of their condition might be valuable. In sedate safe cases, diverse administration alternatives might be taken a gander at including.


Around the world, 65 million individuals have chronic and neurological disorders. That incorporates around 3 million individuals in the United States, where there are 150,000 new instances of epilepsy analyzed every year. Upwards of 500 qualities may identify with brainwave disorder somehow. For a great many people, the danger of creating epilepsy before age 20 is around 1%. Having a parent with hereditarily connected epilepsy raises that hazard to 10 - 20%.

For individuals over age 35, a main source of epilepsy is a stroke. For 6 of every 10 individuals, the reason for a seizure can't be resolved. Between 15 - 30 % of youngsters with scholarly inabilities have epilepsy? Between 30 - 70 % of individuals who have Neurogenetic disorders additionally have gloom, nervousness, or both. Sudden unexplained demise influences around 1 % of individuals with epilepsy. Between 60 - 70 % of individuals with epilepsy react agreeably to the primary hostile to epilepsy tranquilize they attempt. Around 50 % can quit taking medicines following two to five years without a seizure.

33% of individuals with epilepsy have wild seizures since they haven't discovered a treatment that works. The greater part of individuals with epilepsy who don't react to pharmaceutical enhances with a ketogenic consume fewer calories. Half of the grown-ups who attempt an altered Atkins eating routine have fewer seizures.

Clinical branch of medication which manages certain scatters of the sensory system. There are about more than 600 epilepsy issue. Real kinds of nerve damages and ailments happen because of damage or wounds to the spinal string or cerebrum part of the brain. The physical manifestations of epileptic infections incorporate incomplete or finish loss of motion, muscle shortcoming and so on. The therapeutic claim to fame worried about the analysis and treatment of scatters of the sensory system, which incorporates the mind, the spinal rope, and the nerves. A neurologist is a specialist who represents considerable authority in treating ailments of the central nervous system (CNS), which incorporates the cerebrum and spinal cord.
