With the success of previous conference we are very delighted to invite you to 6th World Congress on Epilepsy and Brain Disorders on June 05-06, 2023 Valencia, Spain with the ongoing theme “Challenges for improvement of Epileptic life”. We heartily welcome all the eminent researchers, students and delegates to make their valuable presence in this approach to witness the valuable scientific discussions and contribute to the longer term innovations in the field of Neuroscience, Brain disorders and Treatment, etc. The main theme of the conference is to provide unique ethical and responsive methods to all researchers towards Neurology cases and the upcoming medical care towards the neuroscience and to deal with most updated research.
Epilepsy Congress 2023 is the leading conference dedicated to Depression, Mental Health and Epileptic Seizures with advanced medical and family medicine. The goal of Epilepsy Congress 2023 is to deliver an outstanding program for exchange of ideas and authoritative views by leading professionals which covers the entire spectrum of research in neuro science and share the cross-cultural experiences of various latest technologies and medical practices.
Occupational Therapists
Research Scientists
Epilepsy Diagnosis Centers
Epilepsy nurse specialists
Child life specialists
Anti- Epileptic Drug Industries
Epilepsy Associations & Foundation
Professors and Students from Academia in the study of Epilepsy field